Monday, August 23, 2010

In 75 years what will the world oil situation be like? Will we be living like the Amish?

I suspect we will be all living much like the Amish in 75 years. Or at least like we did before the fuel oil era. We'd better dust off books on how to live life in the 1800'sIn 75 years what will the world oil situation be like? Will we be living like the Amish?
nope we will be living like the jetsons...we are human and we always adapt and overcome...we will survive long past the the depletion of our oilIn 75 years what will the world oil situation be like? Will we be living like the Amish?
Oil will run out but I don't think we will be living like the Amish.

People are already doveloping cars that don't run on petrol and things like nuclear power and solar power have been around for a while now. It's just that politicians are more concerned about tearing their opponents down and winning votes than they are about genuinely putting effort into running their counties on renewable resources. They will realize but not until the 11th hour when they themselves are personally affected by the problem.
no, that is a perpostperous prediction. Yes, the oil in the Persian Gulf is estimated to run out in like 50 years, but alternitive forms of energy are being developed like wind, solar, and hydrogen. In 75 years there is no doubt our understanding of these technologies will be great, so we will be able to rely on them, and not have to live like the Amish.
Hey, hey, hey....I'm related to some Amish peeps - they rock to their own cool tune. :D
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  • Why would we die if we lived on bread, water, sugar, & olive oil for 90 days besides the lack of Vitamin C?

    Only 90 days? You wont have any survival trouble, lack of minerals and vitamins affect you after years I think.Why would we die if we lived on bread, water, sugar, %26amp; olive oil for 90 days besides the lack of Vitamin C?
    Bread and water used to be the diet of religious people that were fasting. Also some prisoners back hundreds of years ago were only fed bread and water for extended periods of time. I belive a human being might last six months of such a diet before falling ill and needing more nutrients in his or her diet. But a lack of protein and other vital nutrients passing along the enzymes to the cells in the body could cause death by basically the cells in your body not getting the right nutrients. I believe it would put too much of a strain on all the muscles in your body and your heart.Why would we die if we lived on bread, water, sugar, %26amp; olive oil for 90 days besides the lack of Vitamin C?
    You would probably live:

    The lack of a complete protein is a problem.

    It also depends on the type of bread.

    You would perhaps suffer:



    I don't think we would, long as we had those things. It would be food, after all. But we would have to have water, too. We couldn't go with out water, very long.
    Because there is no proteins listed in your diet. Human body cannot synthesize all 20 amino acids but it must supply some of them from external sources. And the enzymes or hormones which contains these essential amino acids could not be made if not taken from outside. Eventually your entire system will start to malfunction.
    you wouldn't
    You wouldn't die. But you wouldn't feel very well. Enzymes are the little machines that do work for your body; send signals, digest food, etc.. They are made of proteins and you need to eat proteins in order to make new enzymes. Enzymes also need vitamin and mineral cofactors to work. At the end of 90 days you would not feel very well and your body would have started to eat its own muscle to scavange for protein. Sounds good if you're trying to lose weight until you realize that your heart is a muscle. Your brain is more important in the chain of command in your body and it will eat your heart in order to survive. Sick huh?

    How oilzoppers live in deep oils without proper food?

    these are the small bacteria lived in oils. then which food they eatHow oilzoppers live in deep oils without proper food?
    Like bamboo, they feed off the minerals from their surrounding.How oilzoppers live in deep oils without proper food?
    thax 4 ur answer Mr.yitogwa Report Abuse

    I would like to buy essential oils from a store in my area I live in the McHenry ILL can you help me?

    essential oils? I live in Antioch, maybe if you clarify I can helpI would like to buy essential oils from a store in my area I live in the McHenry ILL can you help me?
    Check out any local health food stores, food cooperatives, and new-age shops. I'm pretty certain there are several in your general area.

    Unfortunately most oils carried by places like Bath and BodyWorks are called ';Fragrance Oils'; and are not true essential oils. If used as essential oils, they can make you sick.I would like to buy essential oils from a store in my area I live in the McHenry ILL can you help me?
    Body Works or Body Shop should have them at the local mall. If you bought them online, you can probably find them a lot cheaper.

    I buy mine from

    They are a bit pricey but they give you size options on the bottles which is always nice.

    Live Green Question: I have an 88 Oldmoblie can i get it to run off of some cooking oils?

    not a gasoline engine, probably would foul the spark plugs, cause detonation, and clog the catalytic converter, plus leave one heck of a blue cloud behind youLive Green Question: I have an 88 Oldmoblie can i get it to run off of some cooking oils?
    nopeLive Green Question: I have an 88 Oldmoblie can i get it to run off of some cooking oils?
    No, you can only do that with diesels.
    Don't bother.
    if it is a diesel you can probably do that if you have some smarts to ya. but if you have a gasoline motor i suggest not on trying that option.

    What's it like living on a North Sea Oil Rig?

    first of all its a wake up at 6 o clock for a 7am start, unless you are on the drilling side then its a 6am start. its a 12 hour shift for 14 days with no ';weekends off';, every day is a work day, inc. bank holidays which also inc. xmas and new year, (remember you still need gas to cook your xmas dinner!!!)you normally get a cup of tea mid morn and 1 hour for dinner and a cup of tea in the afternoon and work your 12 hour shift till 7pm. if you are an office worker its feasible you would,nt get fresh air for 14 days as you can,t just wander about as you please outside.its dirty on the rig itself, and plenty of walking up and down sleep in a 8ft x 8ft room in bunks, (lucky if you get the bottom) and take turns in the shower. you ';agree';聽 on what tv progs you watch or go to the rec room where there is usually pool/darts /tv/cardssometimes its communal showers on drilling rigs and stable door toiletsthe food isnt brilliant bur theres plenty of it unless its the winter and the supply boats cant get out cos the weather is too bad, then your on short supply, water as well, until it breaksits not all doom and gloom as the crack is great and its everlasting friendships and really you only do it for the time off, the whole north sea is gradually going 2 on 3 off for core crew.all in all its a lonely life and the pay, although not great isnt bad for the time off you get, the worst part is the chopper ride out聽 as its noisy and crampped.What's it like living on a North Sea Oil Rig?
    no women,no booze,crap food,just living alone really.What's it like living on a North Sea Oil Rig?
    Slippery, probably

    I ride a 1991 oil cooled Suzuki GSXR750 am I just living in the past?

    Nah, just two years of being a classic dude. If it ain't broke, don't change it.I ride a 1991 oil cooled Suzuki GSXR750 am I just living in the past?
    Great answers all round except for the one from dani G. I never said I knew everything did I. Report Abuse
    I ride a 1991 oil cooled Suzuki GSXR750 am I just living in the past?
    NO! You have a computer don't you. I just hope you don't dress like you are from the 90's and live like it lol. Then you will really be living in the past lol. Joking. Nah, seriously who gives a flying fudge if you ride around in a 1991 Suzuki. People drive vehicles from all ages. All you need to worry about is it getting you from A to B, not A to XYZDVFIAH then B. Peace out.
    No your not living in the past i like some of the other bikes and dont see many of them around if it runs ok and if its not costing you too much in repairs keep it i wolud

    by the way the bikes the same year as i was born lol
    Well, since you know more than we do, it is impossible for anyone to provide you with an answer you don't already know :P.
    nah not living in the past, i got a Yamaha fs1e and a RD125LC both alot older than yours
    Hell no your just keepin it old school. And by tha way...I KNOW MORE THAN YOU cause I had to answer your question slick.
    no not at all i have 6 bikes from an 2007 to a 1980 and i think my 1980 is the most fun.
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