She came home this morning with motor oil on her and one small cut on her back leg. My daughter is very concerned about her. If she has internal bleeding, how long until she dies? She ate today without a problem. Any input would be helpful and it will put a family at ease.I believe my cat was ran over. She has motor oil on her fur and has been sleeping all day. Will she live?
Its hard to say if she does have any internal bleeding or broken bones. She will suffer a great while before she dies. I highly suggest you get her to vet ASAP to get her looked at and treated or humanely euthanized. I hate to see an animal suffer if they dont need to.I believe my cat was ran over. She has motor oil on her fur and has been sleeping all day. Will she live?
did you take the cat to the vet?
thats the first thing that i would of done if it was my cat.
you should keep a eye on the cat.
It is possible that your cat wandered underneath a car and ended up with oil on her fur. A cut could be from another cat or getting herself caught in a rose bush.
I would make sure you clean off the motor oil before she can lick it off and check to see that she is using her litter box normally. I would call my vet and tell him what you think happened. He may simply tell you to check for any pain in any part of her body and then watch her or he may say that she needs to come in for a check.
You may not need to take her in but you should get your vet's professional opinion on the matter.
Take her to the vet and have her checked out.
She may have just been crawling around under/in a car engine. If you touch her and she shows signs of pain, I would take her to the vet. You might even want to just take her for the cut. She's probably sleeping a lot right now because she got scared or stressed when she got cut. If she is eating, that's a good sign since cats normally don't eat if they are sick or injured. Good luck!
First, I'd remove the motor oil. It can't be good for her to lick that and if it's on her fur, she will try. Then very gently pet your cat all over. If she acts like it hurts, then you should take her to the vet right now. I know it's expensive, but you want to be a good pet owner, and you want to teach your little daughter how to be a good pet owner, and that means getting them medical care when it's needed. IF she seems OK with being gently petted everywhere, then she probably didn't get run over. The cut on her leg suggests she was somehow injured, so do watch her for the next day or so to make sure she's OK.
And in the future, keep your kitty indoors. Outdoor cats don't live nearly as long as indoor only cats. Outdoor cats live less than 5 years, while indoor cats live more than 15. Keep her in a room where she can't dash out the door when you come and go, until she gets used to the idea. She won't like it at first, but she will be much happier and healthier in the long run.
She could have been just sleeping under a car and got the oil on her, the cut could be explained in an reason, she caught herself on the car as she was climing down from the warm motor?
But just to be sure please take her to the vet, she could be under alot of pain, the least you could do was get her checked by a vet.
Mainly you should wash off that cut carefully. Carefull feel her leg gently and see if it hurts her. You should take her to the vet as soon as possible. Sleeping may help her because of the pain from the cut. I know when my kitten fell down the stairs she was limping, after some good naps she was good as new. Good Luck!
she really needs to go to a vet asap. call an emergency clinic. getting hit by a car can leave a wide range of injuries depending on where and how fast it was hit. You can have injuries ranging from nothing to broken bones, ruptured organs, diaphragmatic hernias, punctured lungs ect. Don't risk leaving her in pain. go to a vet.
i'm so sorry! poor baby, please take her to the vet. maybe you'll have a chance of saving her if there is anything wrong with her! good luck!
If I were 25 years experienced as a vet and was looking around and checking these forums and saw your question I would give the same answer as pothole repairman.
Take the cat to the vet that way YOU KNOW for sure.
And update us, if not too much ;)
There is no way to answer this question to put your family at ease.
Take your cat to a vet if you even care about it.
My advice would be to take her to the vet. I know that when I was a kid my cat got ran over and we took her in and found out that she was bleeding. My mom brought her home to die. She lasted about 1 day and part of a night. If she does have internal bleeding let the vet put her down, because you probably don't want your daughter to watch the cat die. I was upset for months because of it.
If she is eating and moving around without visable pain then she is probably fine... be sure to clean the cut and put some antibacterial on it. But if you have any doubt about her health you should take her to the vet....
Take it to the vet... Jeez Louise. How are we to know if it will live. And how are you to know if your cat was actually ran over. It might have crawled up into a car and got a little scratch. You know how cats like to crawl into tight spaces and get trapped. But take it to the veterinarian for x-rays, seriously
she may have just crawled under a car...You shouldn't let your cat wander outdoors anyways
Cats love to get up under the hood and that would be where the oil came from relax she's probably sleeping alot because she was up all night trying to get out or it could be she's just not feeling well from the cut I doubt she got ran over because she would have more than a small cut and where exactly would the oil come from is she were ran over now tire track I could understand but oil doubtful. Watch over your beloved pet and if she shows any signs other than sleepiness then take her to the vet.
If she has internal bleeding then it won't be more than 24 hours but you really should take her to a vet. She may not have been run over though she may have just gotten up under a vehicle and got stuck and cut herself getting free.
This is what I'd consider a vet emergency, there should be no question about what to do with the cat--have it vet checked!
You won't know what condition the cat is in without her being looked at. Waiting for internal bleeding to finish her off isn't an option.
Was she able to walk okay? Are her claws scuffed, as this a common sign that a cat has been hit by a car. Only a vet will be able to tell you if she has been involved in a traffic accident. Remember that cats are extremely good at hiding pain, so to be on the safe side, you should try to get her checked a.s.a.p.
Better to be on the safe side and have the vet tell you that she probably got oil on her fur from a parked car, than wait till serious symptoms set in.
Hope she is okay.
She may have just been climbing around in a parked car. It seems very unlikely that there is any major internal damage because she had an appetite. If she continues to be lethargic tomorrow you might want to take her to the vet for a check up.
If she was run over, she'd probably already be dead. She may have gotten under the hood of a car, gotten dirty, and cut her leg on a piece of sharp metal. If she's eating and going to the bathroom okay, just keep an eye on her and if she has problems, see the vet.
I suggest you take the cat to the vet ASAP!
Poor kitty she could have internal injuries take her to the vets she could be in agony and if the cut is not treated properly it will get infected.I pray she doesn't die. If you don't have much money ask the vet if you can pay them in installments, ring up and tell them this is an urgent problem.
We are not vets. Please take her to one. You could save her life. Wouldnt you want to be taken to hospital if you were run over? You owe the poor animal the same.
dude, how about taking her to a vet right now? how would you like if you were run over by a car and no one got you any medical attention? get of Yahho and go to the vet!
Take the cat to the VET
I do suggest taking the baby into see the vet,however just because she has motor oil on her does not mean she got run over,she might have just gotten up under a car and cut her leg that way.I see this alot with the stray cats where I live, they do tend to hide under cars,etc.
I hope your baby will be ok.
I hope this is a joke. What would you do if you were run over by a car? You would likely go to the hospital. Please take her to the nearest emergency vet now instead of waiting around to see if she dies.