Tell me where I am wrong?
Should people who do not support drilling and hate the oil companies be forced live on alternative energies?
Also, they shouldn't be allowed to use anything made out of plastic or styrophome (sp?) as those are petroleum derived materials.
Troy - Actually oil is priced on the world market, which means that basically everyone pays the same price for it. It's not until it gets to the gas pump that you add different factors like refining, transportation, and taxes which are different for each location. Oil from alaska would most likely go to the US any ways because it would be the cheapest to transport it there, and there is more than enough demand, but even if it didn't you're increasing the world supply so it wouldn't make a difference where it goes from that perspective.
Jacobjack - this is a democrat made mess, but fingerpointing aside, we will still be using oil in 10 years, and well beyond that. Alternative energies will take a lot longer than 10 years to reach the scale they need in order to be commercial.
And since when can we not refine oil into gas? I didn't understand that.
Also, of the 68 milllion acres you're talking about, oil companies are still exploring most of that, and in the rest they have found no oil, and are just waiting until the leases are up and revert back to the government.
Exxon is investing around 20 billion dollars (+/- a couple billion if I'm not mistaken) this year in new oil and gas production, so I don't know what else you want them to do. They are investing at capacity. The amount they used for stock buy backs is far less than that. But even still their primary obligation is to their stock holders. Also, I'm sure you're an oil stock expert and already knew that Exxon as well as other oil co's believe that their stocks are undervalued right now. So what they're doing with the stock buy back strategy is to wait for the stocks to go back up and then pay for new oil and gas projects with the appreciated stocks.
It's good that you read, but it helps when you read things other than liberally biased garbage.
Maskddingo: As I stated before, there are a lot of places we can legally drill, but why should we drill where there is no oil? That doesn't make much sense does it.
Also, I think you're overlooking the fact that fossil fuels will make up the majority of our energy mix over the next 30 - 50 years even if one ora all of the alternatives (like solar or wind) become commercial.
Also, the place in ANWR oil companies want to drill is a frozen tundra, where nothing lives. But in other parts of alaska, where they do drill, the wildlife don't seem to mind, in fact many of them seem to like warming themselves on pipelines etc...Also, oil companies nowadays are extremely environmentally conscious. They get blamed for things that aren't even their fault all the time, so you can bet that in most cases they do everything they can with what they can control
If we did find significant discoveries off our coasts it wouldn't be too difficul to build another refinery so that argument doesn't hold an weight either.Should people who do not support drilling and hate the oil companies be forced live on alternative energies?
Smart people who read know the answer is clear. Like T.B. Pickens. We can not drill our way out of the Republican made mess. New oil wells are 10 years down the road. Even if we do give away more public land to big oil we can not refine oil into gas for Autos. BTW, smart people also know that Big Oil already has 68 million acres of public land under lease and Exxon Mobil made $46 billion last year. They did not invest in exploration. They did pay dividends to stock holders like Bush Sr. and Cheney. Bush and Republicans had a chance to effect gas price quickly and refused to release the reserve.
Sounds good to me. Won't be long before that will be our only choice. By the way, unlike Obama I don't see anything wrong with oil companies making a profit. That's the American way. What you may not realize is how much is actually left. Anyone that thinks that drilling off of the coast of California (which I am for) or Alaska will make any difference at all at the pumps is just stupid. It will take years to produce oil and the oil that is there is low grade. So drill away as far as I am concerned. The change will and should come anyway.
AND they should not be eligable for ANY government aid. Seeing as how they think that it will be easy as pie for everyone in this country to just go out and buy new cars and retro fit their homes to run off of alternative fuel sources...
No, it should be the other way around: people who support offshore drilling should be forced to wait until they can benefit from the drilling---because that will take around 10 years---meanwhile those who oppose it are on other energy supplies and don't really need that much oil.
They should..... If they don't think oil should be used then let them stop using it. Then the world save that much oil and prices would drop that much more.......
To bad no one with power realizes this
You've stumbled upon Algores plan to force OTHER people to live on alternative energies so there will be more oil for him, his SUV's, his boat, his house, and a private jet.
Only if the religious right should be forced to live without science and technology in general.
Yes, and as a conservative, I'll donate many candles and all of my used newspapers.
Your right in so many ways.
It would kill that hypocrite Al Gore.
You are wrong.
If we were to let the Oil Companies to drill off-shore, the US would not see one drop. It would go to the highest bidder on the world market just like all of the oil that is drilled in Alaska, which goes to Asia BTW. I fail to see why NEOCONS don't get this.
Yes! Since drilling ';now'; won't produce a drop of oil for 7-10 YEARS we should give them tax breaks to pay for solar and wind energy for their homes. We can take that from the oil companies windfall profits!!! Within 7-10 years a lot of people will have their own energy sources! I'll take one of those Tesla Roadsters after they get them into mass production. Thanks Big Oil!
Duh, drilling now won't bring prices down. Duh.... Mass produce electric cars in America? Duh....Check out the massive solar project in Arizona which can power any factory.
An array of wind turbines or solar can power factories. DUH.
Any more truthiness you need debunked!?!
No they shouldn't be 'forced' I'll bet a large majority of them already use alternative energy and conserve gas because they are RESPONSIBLE. I do not support drilling. Why? They already have plenty of un-drilled oil fields they are allowed to drill on RIGHT NOW but aren't. More oil does not increase our refining capacity. THAT is what is of utmost importance. Not handing out freebees to oil companies at the expense of some of the greatest national treasures any country possess.
Let's get this clear. The reason you are hearing about off-shore drilling now (and being duped into thinking it's any kind of real solution solution) is because the oil companies see American citizens displeasure with gas prices as a golden opportunity to get there way. There were not many Americans who would say 'yeah drill wherever as long as my gas is cheap' when gas WAS cheap. The oil companies see this as a time to 'strike when the irons hot'. They don't NEED these places to be open for drilling. (as I stated it is a FACT that there are very large areas they can legally drill now but AREN'T.) The see this as a time to get what they want while there is support from short-sighted Americans.
It's a shame they have you duped so badly but I mean I can understand how we all are upset about gas prices and just need any sort of relief. Drilling will do nothing. They can drill more now if they want without any congressional approval. What will help YOU immediately is government regulation of an oil industry that is current;y running wild. Drilling under a nest of penguins when it is currently legal and acceptable to drill other places isn't going to help and it isn't going to solve the FACT that oil is a limited resource that can not possibly replenish itself. Maybe we should all be forced to live on alternative energies. If you have solar panels you can actually sell power back to the power company. That's right... you get PAID for energy and have more than enough for yourself. That's what I call smart.
You are wrong. EVERYONE should be forced to use alternative energies eventually. For our own good, for our countries own good. For your wallets own good. It's smart. Anything else is extremely short-sighted. Your children will curse you for pushing the real problem off to them, and at the same time destroying one of the last pristine examples of the earth God created for us.
(Oh BTW there is not enough oil in our country to completely rid ourselves of reliance on the middle east. even if we put wells all over Alaska and off Florida coast. The ONLY way to kick our mid-east dependence is to STOP USING OIL. That's it. it's the ONLY way. If this is your goal (and it should be everybodies) we need to switch to alternative fuels NOW. actually we should have done it when Carter suggested it back in the 70's. But once again oil-company manipulation of our government put the kibosh on that one. )
Edit: They got you in their pocket dude. I would LOVE for you to respond to everything I said rather than cherry picking my very first sentence. Of course we are fools to think we can kick the oil habbit tomorrow. The habbit needs to be kicked though... not simply appeased for a while... I would LOVE to see anyone try to explain to me how your car is going to run when the wells all dry up? Because they will... That is the real issue you all are being distracted from. What you CAN do tomorrow is try to use as little oil as possible by using alternative technologies that are available and proven now. Cause guess what... The 'tree huggers' you can bet are doing their part to curb demand (reduced demand reduces prices duh!) What are you doing to help the situation? Arguing about drilling somewhere that won't help because there are already plenty of legal areas to drill in that they aren't? Thanks a lot, this is the problem with this country... Politicians (who are mostly controlled by lobbyists, ant the 'party line') tell you what to think and you oblige with smiles on your faces, 'assuming' all the while that these politicians actually want what's best for you! This is why we aren't using alternative fuels now, and we could be, if we would had stuck to the plan Carter laid out in the 70's. Mentalities like yours are why we are still addicted to middle east oil now, and why we will be until the day it drys up. Guess what happens then? The SMART countries who have built their alternative energy infrastructure will rule the world. American will collapse if we don't kick the habbit NOW. Make no mistake about this... this is serious. Oil WILL run out! I'm no environmentalist... I don't care if my car pollutes a little. I don't even REALLY care about the wilderness in Alaska that I most likely will NEVER see. But it doesn't make sense to destroy something for no reason. That is indeed what would happen. I love my country and there is one very easy way to solve our dependence on foreign oil.. and eventually oil in general... and the answer is not in Alaska or off the coast of Florida. If you can't see that.. well... I guess you are lost. There is NO good reason to drill. There is every good reason to all do our part to conserve. There are ways to do that today that can make an immediate impact in a very short time period, and they don't all involve driving a prius (something I would NEVER be caught dead doing BTW. On the other side of the coin though I would NEVER own an SUV either unless it was necessary for my job. No one needs to drive a catilac escilade or a hummer) There are 1000's of things we can all do without having to wait for congress. Do some research on these if you really are serious about helping out the situation we find our country in today. It's a damn shame our president doesn't have the talent to motivate or the capacity to actaully LEAD the people of this country (something I have only seen him even TRY do once in his entire 8 years...(9/11)). There should be a simple conservation initiative on the table right now that he should be trumpeting every single day. If everyone conserves just a little we could easily save the amount every day that we could get from Alaska and Florida combined. And the relief would come much much quicker to boot.
BTW your response to SUBWM4BUSH highlights your tragic lack of understanding of the basic facts of this issue.
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