Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why do arabs want to live in sand....why can't they move to land that they can grow crops, stupid oil prices

i wish our govt banned the use of oil till prices went down to 1.10 a gallon againWhy do arabs want to live in sand....why can't they move to land that they can grow crops, stupid oil prices
They want to live there because they've always lived there. Also because oil is worth more than crops, and they're not stupid. They want the money. It just so happens that the place where they've lived for centuries is right on top of the oil. /sarcasm: Gee, how did our oil get under their soil? /sarcasm off

You want to ban the use of oil? OK, are you prepared to give up, not only your car, but air conditioning and heating? How about the oil that's used to get your food from the farmers to the supermarket?

What we need to do is have an uprising against the oil barons and FORCE them to lower the prices. Oil companies are making record profits.Why do arabs want to live in sand....why can't they move to land that they can grow crops, stupid oil prices
Do you think that moving to a place with no sand will affect oil prices? I don't.

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