Clothing, Ink, Heart Valves, Crayons, Parachutes, Telephones, Enamel,Transparent tape,Antiseptics,Vacuum bottles,Deodorant,Pantyhose,Rubbing Alcohol,Carpets,Epoxy paint,Oil filters,Upholstery,Hearing Aids,Car sound insulation,Cassettes,Motorcycle helmets,Pillows,Shower doors,Shoes,Refrigerator linings,Electrical tape,Safety glass,Awnings,
Salad bowl,Rubber cement,Nylon rope,Ice buckets,Fertilizers,Hair coloring,Toilet seats,Denture adhesive,Loudspeakers,Movie film,Fishing boots,Candles,Water pipes,Car enamel,Shower curtains,Credit cards,Aspirin,Golf balls,Detergents,Sunglasses,Glue,Fishing rods,Linoleum,Plastic wood
Soft contact lenses,Trash bags,Hand lotion,Shampoo,Shaving cream
Footballs,Paint brushes,Balloons,Fan belts,Umbrellas,Paint Rollers,Luggage,Antifreeze,Model cars,Floor wax,Sports car bodies,Tires,Dishwashing liquids,Unbreakable dishes,Toothbrushes
Toothpaste,Combs,Tents,Hair curlers,Lipstick,Ice cube trays,Electric blankets,Tennis rackets,Drinking cups,House paint,Roller skates wheels,Guitar strings,Ammonia,Eyeglasses,Ice chests,Life jackets,TV cabinets,Car battery cases,Insect repellent, refrigerants, Cold cream, Glycerin, Plywood adhesive,Cameras,Anesthetics
Artificial turf,Artificial Limbs,Bandages,Dentures,Mops,Beach Umbrellas,Ballpoint pens,Boats,Nail polish,Golf bags,Caulking,Tape recorders,Curtains,Vitamin capsules,Dashboards,Putty,Percolators,
Skis,Insecticides,Fishing lures,Perfumes,Shoe polish,Petroleum jelly,
Faucet washers,Food preservatives,Antihistamines,Cortisone,D鈥?br>
Solvents, and roofing.
To those who think we should be totally free of Oil, care to live without these?
Uh, well, nice list, it must have taken you a long time to cut and paste that. However, they said oil for energy. Not all oil. So, yeah, that must be disappointing for you. Nice list though.To those who think we should be totally free of Oil, care to live without these?
You'll never be able to completly live without oil, there are a few things that can only be made from petroleum. But, almost everything you mention can be made, and made better, from non-petroleum sources. You can make plastic from plants.
anything that is made out of fossil fuel oil can be made out of plant based oils. nobody completely dislikes plastics, which is really what you are getting at. They just don't like making them out of fossil fuels.
No. You are just making a straw man argument. Everyone realizes that we need oil. Get real. Try to understand what people are saying instead of trying to misunderstand it so that it is easier for you to argue against.
Venezuela loves the USA addiction....Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iran love the USA oil addiction.
We'll always need some form of oil. We'll harness the wind, we'll use more solar, etc. etc., but I don't see the elimination of jet fuel anytime soon.
Exxon-Mobil, BP, Chevron, etc.......won't let that happen! So your point is mute! Nuff Said!!!
WOW great list!!! Thanks!!
I don't believe I've ever heard anyone say we don't need oil.
For most of the items listed, substitutes for oil can found. There is just little incentive when oil is relatively cheap. But even if that wasn't the case, oil can produced either from bacteria or from thermal depolymerization.
Anyway, the point is that we need to create as much of a self sustaining economy as possible. The more we depend of limited resources for energy and other needs, the more trouble we will be in when we run short of those materials.
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