Monday, August 23, 2010

What if I do not live in Alaska but I am a native of Alaska do I still get payment from exon oil?

I know they are paying Alaskan natives like 10,000.-- and I know some live in lowwer 48's. And They recieved there Exon oil payment. So how would I go about doing so, Seeing how I am native of Alaska, But do not nor did I ever live there? I know of others in same situtation as me, She said I have to fight for my rights. How do I do so? How do I get my payment?What if I do not live in Alaska but I am a native of Alaska do I still get payment from exon oil?
First of all, they are not ';paying'; ALL natives. It was a class action suit made by 32,000 Alaskan residents. Originally, the suit won more than 2.5 billion, but now the Supreme Court trimmed it down to 500 million already paid. So in other words, you , or the 32,000 people that sued aren't getting a penny.

How are you a native of Alaska, but never lived there? Do you know what ';native'; means? Were you even alive during the spill? There are no others that are in the same ';situation'; as you unless they were involved with the class action suit, otherwise they are just lying to you. And finally, what have YOU done to deserve any kind of payment? It's not your state, and you weren't affected by it. So you wouldn't get anything anyway. The people who sued were directly affected by the spill (property, money loss).

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