Wednesday, August 18, 2010

If Nigeria is Africa's leading oil producer, why do more than half of its people live in poverty?

corrupt leadership!!!

greedy governors who don't care about taking care of their people!!

Its shocking but its never going to changeIf Nigeria is Africa's leading oil producer, why do more than half of its people live in poverty?
underpaid labour- obviouslyIf Nigeria is Africa's leading oil producer, why do more than half of its people live in poverty?
Because their lazy!

They expect everything to be given to them, they don't believe in making money the honest way.... Thats why we get the Nigerian 419 scams, Nigerian drug lords... etc.

I live in Africa, we deal with this on a daily basis.
Simply because the people who run the country keep the money for themselves; corruption is rife.

Corruption , bribery and the power of the gun is a way of life in that part of the world. Imagine the Wild West in the early days! I work offshore but would never in my life work in that part of the world. No point in being well paid if your shot or kidnapped.

As long as Western countries continue to be supplied with oil, they don't care. If someone came to power that threatened to stop the oil supply to the West, they would immediately be branded terrorists and the country ';liberated';.

Just like Iraq really...
Because of there government, There government owe alto of money to other countries although alot of countries have wrote the death off now to try help the country there government are greedy and dont care about there people its very sad
Corruption, next question!
There is the same percentage of poverty in Nigeria and India and Pakistan and Russia and Brazil and Mexico etc. Whats your point
Control, By keep the people poor and uneducated they can control them.
Who said the people should get the money. There are so many things the few can do with it and realy is it needed by those poor folk. What do they need money for.

I thought the Nigerians left and went to England.
May be Bush knows about the oil in Nigeria.
The same reason why there are 36 million people living in poverty here in the States, and why 47 million have no access to healthcare:

Greed, power, and selfishness by the rich--stepping on the backs of the poor and the down-trodden.
and, if messico has state owned oil production, why are all of their neglected citizens being pawned off on American taxpayers?
People drastically overrate the effects oil can have on a country's economy. A lot of the Arab countries have huge oil reserves and very small populations. They can become rich this way. In the cases of countries like Nigeria and Mexico, they have to divide that money up 100 million ways, which means that it can't contribute all that much to the per capita income. There are other issues, like corruption, etc., that make things even worse, but the fact is, that even in the absence of corruption, and even if the money were divided evenly, these people would not be wealthy.

Just look at the list of the wealthiest countries in the world. The only ones where oil revenues contribute substantially are Norway, Saudi Arabia, a few of the small gulf states and Canada. The rest are places with low levels of corruption and good educational systems, irrespective of their mineral resources.
Much wealth leaves the country with multinationals. There is of course some corruption and much of Nigerias revenue goes into paying for it's rather large army.

I all depends on the type of government in power and how they decide to spend their revenue as well. Look at Venezuela, they spend their oil revenue ';helping out friends';. Other countries spend their cash attracting more cash and building plush new cities, look at Saudi Arabia. No one factor can explain why Nigeria is still struggling.

Its the same here Britain is a wealthy nation but our politician's only look after their self interests %26amp; that of big business

import cheap labour to keep wages low %26amp; tax the workers whilst big companies %26amp; thier bosses pay very little tax

pro rata the average worker pays more tax than a chairman of a large company
Nigeria's oil supplies are probably controlled by the governenment and the corrupt politicians swindle the money. Lack of a proper economic system in place is causing the poverty.
Oh, you thought just because Nigeria has something valuable, that everyone would be rich?

Yeah... not how that works at all.
I've asked that before and even read an article in national Geographic. Basically it's out of greed. In the mid east countries the wealth is distributed among the people. In Nigeria it is not. The conditions and environment of that country is a catastrophe for most of it's people.
The answer is corruption by various government in power be it civil or military government.
You have to remember that the oil will be pumped out by an international company such as Shell or Texaco who will pay huge right to the government for this oil. The government are not going to give this money to it1s people, more likely they are using it to pay of debts to the World banks and arms.
like here they never like to work find a great motivated black country anywhere? NOT ONE. I wish there were but No Black nation on the Planet is succesful
No freedom.

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