Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Will an offshore oil and gas company employ me if I live abroad in Thailand.?

If i am working offshore in asia or North Africa will companies be prepared to send me to Thailand instead of my native country of England? Does anyone know if companies have a maximun budget for eah workers transport? And if so can workers make arrangements to be flown back to the country they reside even if it costs more and isn't their home country?

Thanks very much.Will an offshore oil and gas company employ me if I live abroad in Thailand.?
The worker transportation policy depends on two things - your job, and who the employer is. Naturally, most companies will be willing to spring for more for some offshore jobs than others - the Offshore Installation Manager, or even a long-term Driller, has a better shot at it. As a cook, working for an offshore catering contractor, I personally haven't had any luck in that regard. Other than that, it really varies from company to company - here in the states, especially for 4 week hitches, many companies will pay airfair to and from the embarkation point, but many won't, too. Transocean seems to be pretty good about that. Your best bet is simply to contact the hr rep for whatever company you will be employed by for your offshore work, and see what their policy is.

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