Monday, July 26, 2010

Is putting live oil in my ear safe?

The doctor told me to put drops of olive oil warmed to skin temperature in my ear each night for a week to loosen some ear wax in one ear. Is it safe to put stuff like this in your ears and if so can you overdose?

CheersIs putting live oil in my ear safe?
Olive oil is perfectly safe for most people to put in their ears to soften the wax. It's not an immediate remedy, however. It will take a week or more for it to losten the wax enough for it to drip out.

Another home option (which works more quickly) is a vinegar/water/peroxide solution (1:1:2 ratio) to help losten and remove ear wax. They need to be used together, because peroxide or venegar alone can irritate the ear....but mixed together with the water, it's a much gentler solution.

Make sure that whatever you place in your ear is room tmeperature. Anything hotter or colder can cause damage to the ear drum.

The people that these treatments are NOT recommended for are people who have had chronic ear infections, swimmer's ear or if you have a perforated eardrum. If you have any of these things, you should see and Ear, Nose %26amp; Throat doctor to deal with your ear wax.

ALSO, Ear Candling is not a good thing to do. It can cause damage to your inner ear if any of the hox wax drips down in it.Is putting live oil in my ear safe?
Yes, olive oil is perfectly safe, to put in your ears. I have had to do it a couple of time, as I've had painfully blocked ears.
yes. it's safe.
Yes it's safe. Keep it only just warm to the touch or you might have it uncomfortably hot when it's inside.

Get a friend to dribble it into your ear canal - don't pour it straight in or it'll spash onto your eardrum - noisy and uncomfortable that would be.

Overdosing isn't really a problem. Your ear can only hold about 1/2 thimbleful so the excess will run out.

Pop a wad of cotton wool over it to hold the stuff in for a while whilst it does its work, or you'll get messy pillows.

IT DOES WORK for most occasions. If you still have stuck earwax then ask your surgery's practice nurse to syringe them for you.
No problems with overdose what it does is soften the wax so it can be removed easily.Just put cotton wool in the entrance of the ear after putting in the 0il.

hope it gets better
Yes Olive oil is safe to put in your ears and a good natural moisturiser.
Yes it's safe. It's one of those 'old wife's' tales that really works.
yes thats perfectly fine you can also use hydrogen peroxide
Hi, Yes it is. I often do it and it isn't a problem at all. Warm is slightly and lay your head on one side until it runs in
The Olive Oil treatment has been around for years, and is perfectly safe. Even baby oil can be used. Just follow your doctor's directions.

As for Ear Candling, it is okay as long as you have a qualified trained person in attendance. There's been a lot of debate over it, but I have friends who have had it done, and it's perfectly safe.
It is very safe and very good for your ears and helps unblock wax and keep your ears clean
Put drops of mineral oil into ear and overnight the wax will come out. Don't overdose. I wouldn't recommend overdose though..
A lot safer than the chemicals sold in pharmacies for ear wax removal.

Olive oil will not hurt your ears at all.

I would recommend getting sweet oil in the pharmacy. it is a better grade of olive oil instead of the olive oil in the grocery store.
Yes it is fine. I done this myself, only when I have had earache though. It's well soothing. If the doctor states that its alright then go ahead. I wouldn't risk putting this into my ears more than onve a day though. Make sure it's not too hot also!!!
perfectly safe! I have problems with my ears, have dipping ear canals and as such i have had a lot of syringing done, but this can be danerous, so my doc said the best thing to do is each week put olive oil in my ears to loosen up wax. It's natural so it's gotta be safe. I'd rather put oil in there than some stuff from the pharasist that has ingredients i've never heard of. At least i know whats going in me
Do you think your doctor would have told you to put this in your ear if it wasn't safe?

it is safe and effective and you can't overdose.
Consult another doctor
my Mother use to heat Olive oil when had an earache as a child and it relieved .
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