Friday, July 23, 2010

Do you suspect that the Bush admin is colluding with oil companies to give them offshore property discounts?

===%26gt; Exibit A: Oil companies refuse to drill on their existing 68 MILLION acres of leased US property (on and offshore). %26lt;===

Exibit B: Oil prices are through the roof and climbing.

Exibit C: Bush gave tax incentives for the purchase of SUVs and other heavy vehicles.

Do you think the US government (Bush admin) is attempting to pressure Americans into giving additional oil drilling rights away for decades to come at pennies on the dollar?Do you suspect that the Bush admin is colluding with oil companies to give them offshore property discounts?
No, I don't.

Exhubit A- They do not drill in areas where there is not enough oil to make a profit.

Exhibit B- Yes they are. If we were drilling years and years ago the supply would not be limited to OPEC decided production levels. We have more oil offshore and in restricted drilling sites than the entire Middle East combined. Yet we import 70% of our oil. Why?

Exhibit C- Tax incentives are a way to help stimulate the Auto Manufacturers who are taking a beating until they retool to more appealing, gas stingy models.Do you suspect that the Bush admin is colluding with oil companies to give them offshore property discounts?
This would be the same off-shore property that China is now drilling in, right? Was Bush in cohoots with them, too? We regulate our own (American) companies in what they can and can't do outside the U.S. territorial waters. There nothing for them to get discounts on.

That sounds so Enron. Declaring a value to something that was previously un attached to a market value.

Bush could sell the first 100 miles of underwater America to corporate investors.
yeah i do. and i also believe in santa claus.
I believe Rev. Wright is actually behind the whole thing, cuz he hates white people...........
No. Look at Booman17 for my reasons why.
Finally, someone who sees past the smoke screen and sees part of the REAL picture.

Maybe there is hope after all!

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